Stand up and Speak out!

We love!  Brad Tassell and Logan Sibrel have come together to create a great resource for you people and parents to stop bullying. Check out their web site! This article comes from their section on how to deal with bullies. Thanks Brad & Logan!


Handy's first rule of dealing with Bullies is Stay Calm.  Here is more on how you can do this when confronted. 

Act brave. When you're scared of another person, you're probably not feeling your bravest. But sometimes just acting brave is enough to stop a bully. If you walk by as though you're not afraid and hold your head high, a bully may be less likely to give you trouble.

Ignore a bully. Simply ignoring a bully's threats and walking away robs the bully of his or her fun. Bullies want a big reaction to their teasing and meanness. Acting as if you don't notice and don't care is like giving no reaction at all, and this just might stop a bully's behavior.

Stand up for yourself. Kids can stand up for themselves with words by telling the bully to stop it, and then walk away. Kids also can stand up for each other by telling a bully to stop teasing or scaring someone else, and then walk away together.

Be a buddy. Kids who are being bullied can use the buddy system. Make a plan to walk with a friend or two on the way to school or recess or lunch or wherever you think you might meet the bully. Offer to do the same for a friend who's having trouble with a bully.

Don't bully back. Don't hit, kick, or push back to deal with someone bullying you or your friends. Fighting back just satisfies a bully and it's dangerous, too, because someone could get hurt. It's best to stay with others, stay safe, and get help from an adult.   (thanks to

Handy is very good a combacks when he is being bullied, but we all aren't so great at it. Below are some lines you can practice and use when bullies are trying to put you down.  Remember these are for situations where there is no threat of violence.  If there is every violence you must get away and report.  See below for how to use comebacks and the disclaimer.

"You - You're good!"
"Very good!."
"Ok, I'm hurt."
"What? Again?"
"Is this your goal in life or something?"
"Not getting tired of this?"
"This....... again?"
"Thank you!"
"Grow up."
"Great try."
"That one hurt."
"Sticks and stones."
"Mission accomplished."
"You are wasting my time."
"Funny..... funny.  Laugh....laugh."
"And with a smile on his face...."
"You're the KING"
What? Are you talking to me?
"Blah  - blah"
"New material?"
"The real you can't be this mean."
"You used to be a good kid."
"That was kind of funny, but stop."
"Using me for laughs again?"
"I hope no one is doing this to your little brother."

These comebacks are from  (Disclaimer) Comebacks are not for everyone!  Comebacks can be helpful when dealing with mean kids, however, kids should practice comebacks with an adult.    Comebacks don't stop bullying, BUT they can increase confidence, which can discourage bullies.  Comebacks is not a return insult!

Never us a comeback if a kid may become challenged or violent!
here's advice on using comebacks:  

The key to comeback lines is to remain COOL and AVOID the temptation to trade name calling or personal insults with the bully or teaser.  A great comeback line is brief and to the point and leaves the bully or teaser feeling that they did not get to you!  Don't forget to always look them in the eye and keep cool - anger is a sign to them that what they are doing is working.  Try some of the following, however always remember:  if another student is threatening physical violence toward you, don't say anything to him or her - do your best to get away from the situation and to where a teacher or other adult is located.